On behalf of Ceres and Clean Air Task Force, this analysis was updated in June of 2024 comparing the total reported methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide emissions — as well as relative emissions intensity — of around 300 U.S. oil and natural gas producers.

Benchmarking Methane and Other GHG Emissions Of Oil & Natural Gas Production in the United States download

The report highlights wide variation in the emissions intensity (the amount of methane or greenhouse gas emissions per unit of production) between producers, even those with operations of a similar size, and provides comparisons both within the same basin and nationwide. These differences reflect the nature of different hydrocarbon basins, as well as companies’ equipment and operational practices.

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Past Reports

2023 Benchmarking Methane and Other GHG Emissions Of Oil & Natural Gas Production in the United States

2022 Benchmarking Methane and Other GHG Emissions Of Oil & Natural Gas Production in the United States

2021 Benchmarking Methane and Other GHG Emissions Of Oil & Natural Gas Production in the United States