The Downstream Natural Gas Initiative (DSI) is a group of leading North American natural gas utilities collaborating to address the role of natural gas local distribution companies (LDCs) in the transition to a low-carbon future. DSI is focused on opportunities to leverage the existing natural gas distribution infrastructure to support near- and long-term environmental and economic goals. DSI is also focused on opportunities to decarbonize natural gas through increasing supply of renewable natural gas (RNG), including waste sources, hydrogen, and power-to-gas, in collaboration with other market participants, as well as reducing methane emissions.

DSI focuses on the role of natural gas distribution utilities and the gas distribution network in the transition to a low-carbon future. DSI will concentrate on the following priorities:

Key Issues Hide

Key Issues:

  • Future of gas regulatory proceedings
  • Decarbonization pathways
  • Policy, regulatory, and market mechanisms to accelerating deployment of renewable natural gas and hydrogen
  • Policy and regulatory strategies to accelerate energy efficiency of end-uses
  • Best management practices to reduce methane emissions from natural gas distribution infrastructure and operations
  • GHG emission quantification methodologies and approaches

Current partners Hide

ERM provides technical and policy support to coalition members, and facilitates outreach efforts with government, environmental, and other stakeholders.

Current partners include:

  • Consolidated Edison Company of New York
  • Enbridge Gas
  • Eversource
  • FortisBC
  • National Grid
  • NW Natural
  • Pacific Gas & Electric Company
  • Philadelphia Gas Works
  • PSEG
  • Puget Sound Energy
  • Southern California Gas Company
  • Southern Company Gas
  • VGS

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