Tuesday 2 November 2021, 4PM GMT

On Tuesday 2 November at 4pm London / 12pm New York we hosted a webinar to explore results of the GlobeScan / the SustainAbility Institute by ERM 2021 Climate Survey, which captures the perceptions of hundreds of sustainability experts globally on climate progress and climate leadership, revealing how perceptions are changing and where progress is – or is not – perceived to be occurring.
While this year’s survey finds most experts remain critical about climate progress, there are signs of hope that COP26 will shift the present trajectory. Experts also list numerous barriers standing in the way of the change required.
This webinar covered the survey findings and featured a lively discussion among Chris Coulter, CEO at GlobeScan, Sabine Hoefnagel, Global Director of Services, Brand & Communications at ERM, and our guest panelists including:
David Eichberg, Global Head of Climate Action, HP
Claire O’Neill, Managing Director, Climate & Energy, WBCSD
The GlobeScan / the SustainAbility Institute by ERM Survey has tracked global expert opinions on the evolution of the sustainability agenda since 1994.