How is the information collected and reviewed?
Considering the range of geographies and sources, ERM has a robust research and quality control process for gathering this information. ERM has established a global team of consultants who sit in territories around the world and perform research on public websites and reputable news outlets for PFAS-related information. Additionally, ERM has several Regional Leaders who are designated to review and check their geography’s information independently. Once the research passes the regional level, a Global Lead performs a final review of the criteria to confirm that the information is clear and accurate, and the sources are correct. Once that tiered research process is complete, the data is passed along to our Product Development team to update the dashboard.
What are the sources of information?
The primary sources used in the dashboard are State and Federal Agency websites, but occasionally other reliable or relevant websites will be included as sources. The News Feed in the dashboard link to various online news outlets, providing the source.
Will the dashboard be expanded to include other chemicals or regulatory information?
ERM does not have definitive plans to expand the dashboard at this time. However, we welcome feedback and comments from our subscribers that allow us to identify opportunities to make the dashboard better suited for your use.
Is the risk-level or type of criteria provided?
The context of the regulatory criteria can be found on the “Detailed Regulatory Information” tab of the dashboard. Links to the sources of information can be found on the “Sources of Regulatory Information” tab of the dashboard.
What does it mean if a country has an “undetermined” status?
ERM makes every effort to find detailed PFAS regulatory information for each geography. For countries where ERM has been unable to definitively state that there are no PFAS criteria, there is an “undetermined” status.
How many licenses are available for my company?
The Base Plan includes up to 5 licenses/log-ins that are organization-related. Additional licenses are available under the Base Plus+ subscription plan. Please contact us if you would like to adjust your subscription plan.