; Stakeholder engagement

Reporting approach

Stakeholder engagement

As part of our commitment to good business, we engage regularly with key stakeholders. This process helps us to understand, prioritize and manage our sustainability impacts as an organization as well as to evolve our client services.

Our process

We have a range of internal and external stakeholders. We engage with stakeholders through a variety of mechanisms, including direct dialogue, surveys, engagement at professional and industry forums, and sharing information. The frequency and nature of this dialogue are designed to enable regular communication with stakeholders on key issues. We conduct additional engagement with stakeholders as part of the development of our sustainability reports, and this feedback is an important input of our report preparation.

Feedback from our stakeholders

Stakeholder feedback is integral to ERM’s sustainability reporting process. The following table summarizes the issues raised by our stakeholders, along with links to information on how we respond to these issues.

StakeholderMaterial topicERM response in this report

Diversity and inclusion
Environmental impacts
Health and safety
Social impacts
Talent attraction and retention

Our people
Climate change, Climate change and energy transition
Occupational health and safety
Contributing to society and local communities, ERM Foundation
Our people

ERM senior leaders

Diversity and inclusion
Human rights
Occupational health and safety
Supply chain
Talent attraction and retention

Our people
Innovating with clients and other organizations
Occupational health and safety
Our people

External thought leaders

Data security
Human rights
Risk management

Contributing to society and local communities, ERM Foundation
Contributing to society and local communitiesERM Foundation

Key clients

Community engagement
Diversity and inclusion
Energy and GHG emissions
Ethics and integrity
Health and safety
Human and labor rights
Supply chain
Talent attraction and retention
Training and development

Contributing to society and local communitiesERM Foundation
Our people
Climate change, Climate change and energy transition
Occupational health and safety
Our people
Our people


Community engagement

Diversity and inclusion
GHG emissions
Supply chain
Training and development

Contributing to society and local communities, ERM Foundation
Our people
Climate change, Climate change and energy transition
Our people